ITINERARY PERJALANAN UMROH REGULER 10HARI JUMATAIN, Wibowo yang berusia (20) tahun , mahasiswa Universitas Palangkaraya (Unpar) Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng) telah ditemukan tewas terseret arus dan tenggelam di Sungai Barito. Korban telah ditemukan dalam keadaan tak bernyawa setelah tim penyelamat melakukan penyisiran selama empat jam usai menerima laporan.

Saat kejadian, mahasiswa Unpar semester III, warga Jalan Sengaji Hilir Gang Kuala Lumpur Muara Teweh ini ketika sungai sedang surut. Wibowo telah dilaporkan tenggelam sekitar pukul 17.00 WIB dan telah ditemukan pada pukul 21.00 malam Wib di kawasan Jalan Panglima Batur Muara Teweh.

"Korban ditemukan telah meninggal dunia di Sungai Barito setelah empat jam tenggelam," kata warga Muara Teweh, Dadang, Jumat (7/2).

Peristiwa nahas yang telah menimpa atlet bulu tangkis di Barito Utara ini telah terjadi karena tidak bisa berenang. Namun, korban bersama adik dan kawan-kawannya nekat mandi di Sungai Barito yang dangkal di dekat Muara Sungai Butong (anak Sungai Barito).

Di tengah mandi bersama, korban yang juga putra seorang PNS Dinas Perhubungan Barito Utara itu memisahkan diri dari teman-temannya. Wibowo juga sempat meminta tolong, namun teriakannya tidak dihiraukan oleh rekan-rekannya yang berada di sungai tersebut.

"Tanpa diketahui penyebabnya tiba-tiba korban terbawa arus, namun karena asiknya mereka mandi, sehingga tidak menghiraukan korban berteriak minta tolong," beber warga lainnya, Agus.

Kemudian teman-temannya berlarian berupaya untuk menolong, tetapi korban sudah terseret arus bawah yang deras dan hilang ditelan Sungai Barito. Upaya pencarian dilakukan hingga malam hari oleh jajaran anggota polisi dan TNI-AD setempat serta warga setempat dan korban telah berhasil ditemukan tidak jauh dari tempat kejadian musibah.

"Surutnya Sungai Barito memudahkan pencarian terhadap korban dan jasad korban langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit umum daerah (RSUD) Muara Teweh untuk divisum," ungkapnya.

Editor : Dian Sukmawati

Many bodies prepared for cremation last week in Kathmandu were of young men from Gongabu, a common stopover for Nepali migrant workers headed overseas. Credit Daniel Berehulak for The New York Times

KATHMANDU, Nepal — When the dense pillar of smoke from cremations by the Bagmati River was thinning late last week, the bodies were all coming from Gongabu, a common stopover for Nepali migrant workers headed overseas, and they were all of young men.

Hindu custom dictates that funeral pyres should be lighted by the oldest son of the deceased, but these men were too young to have sons, so they were burned by their brothers or fathers. Sukla Lal, a maize farmer, made a 14-hour journey by bus to retrieve the body of his 19-year-old son, who had been on his way to the Persian Gulf to work as a laborer.

“He wanted to live in the countryside, but he was compelled to leave by poverty,” Mr. Lal said, gazing ahead steadily as his son’s remains smoldered. “He told me, ‘You can live on your land, and I will come up with money, and we will have a happy family.’ ”

Weeks will pass before the authorities can give a complete accounting of who died in the April 25 earthquake, but it is already clear that Nepal cannot afford the losses. The countryside was largely stripped of its healthy young men even before the quake, as they migrated in great waves — 1,500 a day by some estimates — to work as laborers in India, Malaysia or one of the gulf nations, leaving many small communities populated only by elderly parents, women and children. Economists say that at some times of the year, one-quarter of Nepal’s population is working outside the country.

Nepal’s Young Men, Lost to Migration, Then a Quake

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