travel umroh jakarta

JAKARTA, — Partai Golkar berpendapat, rencana kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi terlambat. Seharusnya pemerintah sudah menaikkan harga BBM sejak beberapa tahun lalu.

"Menurut kami, kenaikan harga BBM relatif terlambat," kata Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal DPP Partai Golkar Harry Azhar Aziz saat diskusi di Jakarta, Sabtu (8/6/2013).

Harry mengatakan, pihaknya secara rasional menyikapi rencana kenaikan harga BBM saat ini. Jika tidak mendukung kenaikan harga BBM, kata dia, maka parpol membiarkan pemerintah melanggar undang-undang lantaran defisit anggaran akan melampaui batas, yakni tiga persen.

"Pertanyaannya, apakah kita tahan kenaikan harga BBM? Apakah itu strategi PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera) dan partai yang lain?" tanya Wakil Ketua Komisi XI DPR itu.

Ketika disinggung sikap Golkar saat pemerintah hendak menaikkan harga BBM tahun 2011, Harry menyebut ketika itu Golkar tidak menolak. Hanya saja, menurut dia, pihaknya memberikan batasan bahwa pemerintah hanya bisa menaikkan harga BBM ketika harga minyak dunia menyentuh 120 dollar per barrel. Kenyataannya, harga minyak tidak menyentuh angka itu.

Harry lalu menyinggung kenaikan harga BBM tahun 2008. Kata dia, harga BBM malah diturunkan kembali menjelang Pemilu 2009. Menurut Harry, tiga kali menurunkan harga BBM dari Rp 6.000 per liter hingga Rp 4.500 per liter yang menyebabkan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono terpilih kembali menjadi presiden pada Pilpres 2009.

"Pak SBY sangat cerdik sekali. Golkar kurang cerdik. Yang umumkan kenaikan harga BBM adalah Pak JK (Jusuf Kalla, ketika itu Wakil Presiden), tapi ketika mengumumkan harga BBM turun Pak SBY. Golkar waktu itu bela pemerintah, tapi yang dibela tidak sadar," kata Harry sambil tertawa.

Editor :Liwon Maulana
Sumber: aikan.Harga.BBM
Pendapat Golkar: Terlambat, Rencana Kenaikan Harga BBM

BEIJING (AP) — The head of Taiwan's Nationalists reaffirmed the party's support for eventual unification with the mainland when he met Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping as part of continuing rapprochement between the former bitter enemies.

Nationalist Party Chairman Eric Chu, a likely presidential candidate next year, also affirmed Taiwan's desire to join the proposed Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank during the meeting in Beijing. China claims Taiwan as its own territory and doesn't want the island to join using a name that might imply it is an independent country.

Chu's comments during his meeting with Xi were carried live on Hong Kong-based broadcaster Phoenix Television.

The Nationalists were driven to Taiwan by Mao Zedong's Communists during the Chinese civil war in 1949, leading to decades of hostility between the sides. Chu, who took over as party leader in January, is the third Nationalist chairman to visit the mainland and the first since 2009.

Relations between the communist-ruled mainland and the self-governing democratic island of Taiwan began to warm in the 1990s, partly out of their common opposition to Taiwan's formal independence from China, a position advocated by the island's Democratic Progressive Party.

Despite increasingly close economic ties, the prospect of political unification has grown increasingly unpopular on Taiwan, especially with younger voters. Opposition to the Nationalists' pro-China policies was seen as a driver behind heavy local electoral defeats for the party last year that led to Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou resigning as party chairman.

Taiwan party leader affirms eventual reunion with China

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