Bagian Favorit Target Operasi Plastik adalah HiduKOMPAS com Tren operasi plastik memang sudah ada sejak dulu dan bertahan hingga sekarang Bedanya bagian yang menjadi target operasi kini lebih bervariasi Kalau dulu operasi ng dan Kantung Mata
Tips Memilih Lampu Mobil HID. Saat mengemudi seringkali telah menghadapi berbagai macam ringantan, salah satunya adalah kemacetan lalu lintas, anda juga dapat membayangkan jika anda mengemudi di malam hari, di jalanan yang sepi, tiba-tiba mendadak lampu depan mobil mati, sehingga pandangan ke depan menjadi gelap.
Hal tersebut dapat terjadi ketika lampu halogen, yang umumnya telah digunakan pada mobil saat ini dan biasanya untuk jangka waktu tertentu mudah cepat rusak. Tetapi jangan khawatir, karena solusinya adalah anda dapat menggunakan tipe bohlam HID yang telah mempunyai umur lebih panjang.
Anda dapat melupakan Halogen, dan beralih ke HID
Dengan lampu mobil konvensional yang menggunakan halogen sebagai sumber cahaya, maka lampu HID juga sudah memanfaatkan gas xenon bersama dengan garam logam halide dan merkuri. Komponen tersebut juga dapat membentuk suatu lengkungan arus tegangan tinggi yang bersatu menyebabkan cahaya sinar cerah, mirip dengan lampu neon. Karena penggunaan gas xenon di dalam lampu, sehingga sering disebut dengan lampu depan xenon
Bagaimana cara kerjanya?
Bila anda sudah mengaktifkan lampu mobil baru 2014 anda, maka tegangan tinggi 12V didistribusikan sepanjang kumparan relay, akibatnya kontak ditutup, dari titik tersebut maka tegangan 12V digunakan untuk dapat menghidupkan pemberat di dalam lampu xenon. Pemberat inilah yang kemudian akan menyala dan memberikan tenaga listrik untuk lampu.
Mengapa HID Itu diperlukan?
Jika dibandingkan dengan lampu mobil konvensional, maka lampu HID telah mempunyai cukup banyak keuntungan, dengan lampu HID yang biasanya tiga kali lebih terang daripada yang konvensional. Plus juga dapat memberikan jarak penglihatan jalan di depan lebih besar sampai dengan 70%
Bagaimana memilihnya?
Bila anda berminat untuk menggantinya, ada beberapa hal yang perlu untuk dicermati. Anda juga harus cek ukuran bola lampu sebelumnya, kebanyakan bola lampu yang terdapat adalah uuran H1, H3, H4, H7, selanjutnya setelah menentukan warna temperatur yang diinginkan, anda juga dapat menentukan suhu yang dapat diukur dalam satuan K atau derajat Kelvin. Hal ini untuk dapat menentukan warna apa lampu HID akan memuaskan.
Apakah ada kemungkinan masalah ?
Jika anda mencoba hal baru, pasti terdapat kelemahan dan kelebihannya. Karena itu sifat pencahayaan HID begitu terang dan cerah, terutama di malam hari karena kontras. Oleh karena itu sinar lampu yang terpancar dari mobil tersebut dapat membuat silau pengemudi dari arah berlawanan.
Perawatan dan Pemeliharaan.
Agar umur pakai HID awet dan bertahan lama, sebaiknya anda tidak berusaha untuk dapat mematikannya sesaat setelah dihidupkan. Lampu jenis ini biasanya memerlukan waktu 60 detik untuk pemanasan sebelum dapat beroperasi secara normal. Sebab itu, jangan mencoba untuk memainkannya, karena kemungkinan rusak akan lebih cepat.
Anda juga dapat melakukan cek beterai jika mobil sudah lama tidak digunakan. Jika tidak rajin dicek maka akan membuat baterai tersebut kadaluarsa , dan anda sudah tidak dapat menggunakannya. Tetapi anda tidak perlu khawatir sebab baterry jenis NimH mampu bertahan lama
Negative View of U.S. Race Relations Grows, Poll Finds
Public perceptions of race relations in America have grown substantially more negative in the aftermath of the death of a young black man who was injured while in police custody in Baltimore and the subsequent unrest, far eclipsing the sentiment recorded in the wake of turmoil in Ferguson, Mo., last summer.
The poll findings highlight the challenges for local leaders and police officials in trying to maintain order while sustaining faith in the criminal justice system in a racially polarized nation.
Sixty-one percent of Americans now say race relations in this country are generally bad. That figure is up sharply from 44 percent after the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown and the unrest that followed in Ferguson in August, and 43 percent in December. In a CBS News poll just two months ago, 38 percent said race relations were generally bad. Current views are by far the worst of Barack Obama’s presidency.
The negative sentiment is echoed by broad majorities of blacks and whites alike, a stark change from earlier this year, when 58 percent of blacks thought race relations were bad, but just 35 percent of whites agreed. In August, 48 percent of blacks and 41 percent of whites said they felt that way.
Looking ahead, 44 percent of Americans think race relations are worsening, up from 36 percent in December. Forty-one percent of blacks and 46 percent of whites think so. Pessimism among whites has increased 10 points since December.
Do you think race relations in the United States are getting better, getting worse or staying about the same?
Getting worse
Staying the same
Getting better
Don't know/No answer
All adults
The poll finds that profound racial divisions in views of how the police use deadly force remain. Blacks are more than twice as likely to say police in most communities are more apt to use deadly force against a black person — 79 percent of blacks say so compared with 37 percent of whites. A slim majority of whites say race is not a factor in a police officer’s decision to use deadly force.
Overall, 44 percent of Americans say deadly force is more likely to be used against a black person, up from 37 percent in August and 40 percent in December.
Blacks also remain far more likely than whites to say they feel mostly anxious about the police in their community. Forty-two percent say so, while 51 percent feel mostly safe. Among whites, 8 in 10 feel mostly safe.
One proposal to address the matter — having on-duty police officers wear body cameras — receives overwhelming support. More than 9 in 10 whites and blacks alike favor it.
In general, do you think the police in most communities are more likely to use deadly force against a black person, or more likely to use it against a white person, or don’t you think race affects police use of deadly force?
Police more likely to use deadly force against a black person
Police more likely to use deadly force against a white person
Do you favor or oppose on-duty police officers wearing video cameras that would record events and actions as they occur?
Don't know/No answer
All adults
Asked specifically about the situation in Baltimore, most Americans expressed at least some confidence that the investigation by local authorities would be conducted fairly. But while nearly two-thirds of whites think so, fewer than half of blacks agree. Still, more blacks are confident now than were in August regarding the investigation in Ferguson. On Friday, six members of the police force involved in the arrest of Mr. Gray were charged with serious offenses, including manslaughter. The poll was conducted Thursday through Sunday; results from before charges were announced are similar to those from after.
Reaction to the recent turmoil in Baltimore, however, is similar among blacks and whites. Most Americans, 61 percent, say the unrest after Mr. Gray’s death was not justified. That includes 64 percent of whites and 57 percent of blacks.
As you may know, a Baltimore man, Freddie Gray, recently died after being in the custody of the Baltimore police. How much confidence do you have that the investigation by local authorities into this matter will be conducted fairly?
A lot
Not much
None at all
Don't know/No answer
All adults
In general, do you think the unrest in Baltimore after the death of Freddie Gray was justified, or do you think the unrest was not justified?
Not justified
Don't know/No answer
All adults
The nationwide poll was conducted from April 30 to May 3 on landlines and cellphones with 1,027 adults, including 793 whites and 128 blacks. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points for all adults, four percentage points for whites and nine percentage points for blacks. See the full poll here.